Enterprise Tools
My Role in Context of the Larger Efforts
Having a broad Systems background, a BS in Computer Information Systems, an MBA, and lots of experience in what an Engineering firm needs to be effective, meant that I was frequently called upon to stand up and lead new enterprise functionality.
Many people work on Enterprise tools to bring them to life. My goal on this page is to show what I specifically did.
While Enterprise Tool challenges may seem less technical than those of our engineering products, they bring their own complexities as we work to fit these systems with each other, and within the broader ongoing work.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
For my part, I was the Director of Business Development Operations & Synergy. When corporate mandated Salesforce be used for our entire BD pipeline, I was the director responsible for our rollout and implementing Shipley processes into our workflows, training the entire support staff, BD Managers, General Managers, and key Engineers on how to work with the tools.
I also worked very closely with the corporate rollout team and personally identified some fatal security flaws in how we were trying to encrypt/decrypt data on the cloud.

Requirements Management (RM)
I have personally managed DOORS (Document Object Oriented Requirements System) at UTC as the Requirements Manager, led the rollout of DOORS, Synergy Change, and Synergy CM at GE as the Manager of Tools & Processes, and instantiated JAMA, a more modern requirements database, at Uber ATG as the Acting Director of Systems Engineering & Tooling.
I not only understand their proper use, I have trained over 350 engineers in 16 hour (2-day) courses I created.
I also created extensive Requirements Quality Assurance (RQA) criteria and led projects where others automated many of the review criteria in DXL and then again in Java Script.

Content Management System (CMS)
After leaving GE Aviation, that had a wonderful homegrown CMS called Support Central (based on the early, free version of SharePoint), I knew L3Harris would benefit greatly from these modern tools.
I first championed and rolled out SharePoint 2007, bringing Search online first. This gave us the power of a Google millisecond search on all of our internal shared drives! After that, I secured licenses for about half of the business.
I then continued to champion the upgrade to SharePoint 2010, rolling out the full suite of integrations, services, team sites, social media tools, dashboards, and more. I was the primary trainer for the first 5 years, and served as the structural architect and SharePoint Governance Council Chair.
SharePoint became a business-critical tool, providing the glue between Engineering, Quality, Manufacturing, Procurement, Program Management, Business Development, Marketing, and more.
Finally, I brought in Nintex Workflows and Forms, adding visual flowchart based workflows to our business.